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- We read here the terrible atrocities that were committed by the Greeks, under Antiochus Epiphanes. Just as Daniel’s prophecy said would happen, his policy, like the Nazis after him, was one of ethnic and cultural cleansing. He wanted to eradicate all traces, practices and memories of the Jews and stop all worship of the God of heaven. Men, women and children who refused to submit to his yoke were simply killed. Greek language and customs were spread on pain of death. Armies were sent in to enforce this. Jews were forced to eat swine’s flesh, the Temple was desecrated, and statues and images of Zeus were set up in the Temple to worship. Everything in the Temple of value was looted. The priesthood was dismantled by force.
- If we carefully read through Daniel chapter 11, it tells us in even more prophetic detail the events of this time period. Those who were faithful would understand exactly what was going on.