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- Eusebius then goes on to provide the letter of Abgarus to Jesus and his disciples, with their response. Again, Eusebius records that all this communication was in Syriac.
- We read as follows:
- “Copy of an epistle written by Abgarus the ruler to Jesus, and sent to him at Jerusalem by Ananias the swift courier.”
- 1Euseb. 13:11 “To these epistles there was added the following account in the Syriac language. “After the ascension of Jesus, Judas, who was also called Thomas, sent to him Thaddeus, an apostle, one of the Seventy. When he was come he lodged with Tobias, the son of Tobias. When the report of him got abroad, it was told Abgarus that an apostle of Jesus was come, as he had written him.”